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Official opening of the new PÖTTINGER Metal Technology Centre in Taufkirchen

Official opening of the new PÖTTINGER Metal Technology Centre in Taufkirchen

New location sets standards in sustainability and innovation

On 7 June 2024, PÖTTINGER Entsorgungstechnik GmbH celebrated a significant milestone: the opening of its own site in Taufkirchen. With a five-storey office building and a 2,200 m² production hall built at the PÖTTINGER Metallbau site, the company is setting new standards in terms of sustainability and resource efficiency.


The new site symbolises PÖTTINGER's growth and innovative strength as well as the potential for added value through the compact design and synergies between the metal specialists. PÖTTINGER demonstrates resource-conserving and efficient collaboration with redensification and joint utilisation of space.


The first two floors of the modern office building will be used by PÖTTINGER Entsorgungstechnik. The third floor will be specially prepared for potential tenants, especially start-ups, in order to promote innovative ideas and entrepreneurship.

The use of sustainable materials such as recyclable carpet tiles and low-emission paints creates a healthy working environment. The sustainable energy supply is provided by a photovoltaic system with an output of 160 kWp, supported by concrete core activation, which ensures a pleasant indoor climate.

The top floor of the building offers a recreation area with an impressive view of the Traunstein. A 22 metre long flower bed, created in close collaboration with the metal workshop, embellishes the floor, which also houses the building services.


The opening ceremony was a complete success. Employees, important representatives from politics and business as well as friends of the PÖTTINGER family were invited to celebrate this special moment together. Governor Thomas Stelzer also attended the opening ceremony and congratulated the company on this successful construction project. The event provided an opportunity to view the new premises and learn about the advanced technologies and sustainable practices being implemented at the new site.


The managing directors and owners, Dipl. Ing. Klaus Pöttinger and his son Dipl. Ing. Maximilian Pöttinger, are optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing to develop sustainable and innovative solutions for their customers.


Governor Thomas Stelzer, Maximilian Pöttinger & Laurenz Pöttinger



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