Environmental protection and sustainability are important basic concerns of the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy in Salzburg. For example, the Order has set itself the goal of reducing waste volumes and halving CO2 emissions by 2025 compared to the base year 2017.
For the proper collection of the yellow bags for plastics, ten 1,100 l waste containers were previously used, with collection taking place fortnightly. Now, a Pöttinger compactor container (MP 1.0 spreader, 8 m³ container) in sunny yellow facilitates the collection of recyclables for hospital staff.
The decision was not difficult, because due to the high compaction of up to 5:1, significantly fewer collections are necessary. Thanks to the pre-full and full reporting, the container is only collected when it is actually full. This relieves urban traffic and saves CO2.
The staff has been trained and is very enthusiastic about the easy handling. Everything is neatly stored, nothing stands around - a clean and space-saving solution through and through.
PÖTTINGER press containers convince among other things through:
- Universal use
- Modular construction – all parts screwable
- 20 % higher filling weight due to improved press geometry
- Low noise gear pump as standard for an operating noise level below 59 dBA.
- Extinguishing system as standard
- High safety for operator
- Optimum comfort for operator
The plastics in the yellow bags are neatly compacted to a minimum.
More information about the Multipress range